Acts as a food supplement for green lacewing adults.
The dry mix will keep well if protected from light and moisture.
Mix one part of the food with an equal amount of honey or sugar. Add water slowly until a thick paste is formed. It should be smooth and creamy like peanut butter. Paint this mixture on cardboard or wooden stakes and place it in the garden or greenhouse. Leave crawling spaces on stakes so the insects can feed without getting stuck on the paste. The best time for feeding is early morning, late evening, and when making releases of beneficial insects. If you mix too much paste for a feeding, refrigerate the remainder and use it within five days. The dry mix will keep well if protected from light and moisture. The mixture can also be diluted further with water for spray applications (use 1 quart per 4 oz. of food/sugar mixture).
We do not advocate spraying this mixture directly onto plants.
We ask that you report any problem within 24 hours. Please do not discard the product. You may be asked to return the shipment for further analysis.